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Vision & Mission

Our vision with “The Yellow House ” is to provide a dwelling place of refuge, healing, true transformation and hope for daughters in desperate need of freedom and wholeness. This is where they find acceptance in FAMILY. We exemplify the love and grace of God during the redemptive journey of individuals dealing with unexpected trauma or fighting destructive life cycles.  The fact is we do not have enough places in our surrounding communities to meet the demands and needs of those with nowhere to go.   BeGenerous Inc. has bridged the gap for hundreds of sons and daughters who have been in the thralls of addiction or life and death situations with no long-term housing or program available. Our hope is to clear the path and help them find a way out.

We currently have 2 homes and offer a Christ centered 24 month residential recovery home where they are able to find a safe place and recover their true identity and purpose. We want to remove them from the crisis situations which can leave them vulnerable to violence, homelessness, abuse, relapse, or sexual exploitation. We have worked in the community for the past 12 years and have found a gap in our community and our hope is to help bring some resolve.

Once a person finds their true identity they can fulfill their intended purpose. We want nothing more than for these precious daughters to find who they are in the Creator who created them.

We desire to meet daughters (and sons) where they are by providing immediate care and demonstrating the unwavering love of God. We want to direct them to a safer and more sound place, both physically and spiritually. We want them to find strength and wisdom in Jesus to remain free from past circumstances and harmful cycles.

We offer that space where they can find family, rest and healing in their body, minds, soul (free will and emotions) and spirit by providing; Trauma Informed Care, Inner healing ministry, biblical based curriculum, Addiction and Relapse Prevention classes, Coping Skills and Boundaries, Gardening, and creative art workshops for our social enterprise “All Things New”.

Our expanded vision will be to have 10 acres so we can build tiny homes for transition and reunification as well as offer Equine Therapy.

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Yellow House History

Our first response to the needs we saw in our community started with the Diaper Bank in 2010. We began in Walton County, FL aiding mothers and their babies that were in need of necessities such as; diapers, wipes, and clothing while working closely with local agencies such as the Department of Health who referred families to us who needed assistance and guidance. As the word spread of our efforts, more agencies reached out to us to help those they were working with. As a result, BeGenerous Inc.'s partnerships and impact grew. We were active in community neighborhoods bringing tangible items and the message of love and hope through Jesus Christ-reminding them that they were not forgotten.

We also began visiting local women group homes providing them with needed supplies as well as more chance to empower and encourage women who were on their journey to freedom and restoration. To date we have assisted hundreds of women and children in need of love, hope, guidance and have seen the Lord demonstrate His tangible presence and provision time and time again.

In 2013 we were prompted to take notice of a Yellow House that we thought was simply served as a landmark for directions. Weeks later we would come to the revelation that it was indeed a land “marked” but for much more than we had imagined.

The Yellow House became a dream that developed as BeGenerous Inc. grew in influence and impact in our community over the last twelve years. It was a divine vision that came from seeing a significant need in our area for a safe and secure place for women in crisis situations. Many women that have reached out to us for shelter and care were not able to qualify or enter into shelters in our area because of long-waiting lists, or because of where they were in the process of detoxification and rehabilitation from drug addiction.  We saw gaps in housing for women who wanted to be free from a life of addiction but had to wait to get into rehabilitation centers-leaving them vulnerable to relapse immediately after detoxification. Our desire is to fill in the gaps for housing so that any woman who desires to be free from drug addiction can walk the entire journey without stumbling blocks along the path. We truly believe that “The Yellow House” will fill that substantial need in our community.


Revelation 21:5 ESV

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


Phone: 850-687-7384


Address: PO BOX 1378

Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459


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Created by Sula Lael 

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